The bill can be read through this link, but I think you will not bother. It is because the bill is lengthy with 16 pages. And that's where our thesis will come in.
Did I mention before that our thesis aims to automatically summarize Senate bills? Yes it is. Our thesis basically shortens the Senate bills by extracting important information in there.
For example, the following is a summary extracted from the Reproductive Health Act:
- This bill compels the state to guarantee universal access to medically-safe legal affordable and quality reproductive health services methods devices supplies and relevant information thereon.
- However this bill does not dictate any form of population control.
- Finally this bill does not promote abortion.
- In fact this bill is "pro-life".
- Passage of this bill is a step towards the attainment of that constitutional guarantee.
Our thesis is not yet finished and still on going. Summarization algorithm is still being optimized. But as seen above, the extracted summary is pretty good. Expect a better summary after a while.
And that is just a part of our thesis. We will also disseminate the summarized bills through Facebook and utilized its social graph. Disseminating it through Facebook answers the question, "Why summarize it if no one will still able to read it?"
Well, in Facebook, the bills will be read.
hay salamat. i wanted to read that bill pero masyadong mahaba.. even the wikipedia page is @-) does your summarizer also summarize yung provisions? nice sana yun since important din malaman yung provisions pero still, at least nasusummarize :D looking forward to the next summarized version :P